
Welcome to the official homepage of Anthony Pearson. Here you will find news and information on upcoming books, a biography, as well as previews from Anthony’s books.

‘Having had the tremendous privilage [sic] of being one of the 1st people to be able proof read ‘The Wilting of the Rose’ I believe this book has the ability to take Anthony up to the realms of the great writers. Not only did I read part of a story but because of the magnitude of the descriptive nature, I was actually THERE. I really cannot recommend this highly enough and cannot wait for the completed book.’…….Caroline Lockwood

Coming  soon…..

What is to be the first of Anthony’s books, a cinematic story of grand proportions, that shall leave you glued to your e-reader. A story that encompasses life, death and the realms between. Follow him as he leads you to worlds that will expand and delight your imagination.

Here is but a small snippet to wet your appetite in anticipation…..

What follows is but a part of what little remains of the history of The Silent Rose. Most of what was once known has been lost. Time passes and fact becomes fiction to those who hear it. Only the very eldest know the truth, those from the beginning. They will not tell, for it is not for the young to know the pain which comes from the knowledge of what has come before.

The truth is not contained in any written word. It is but legend told by those sired after damnation, and many do not believe in such tales. Through old blood and forbidden ritual, some have seen but a tiniest glimpse of memories, long past, and that what they feel deep within their dark souls is true.

There were not always vampires…………

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